How Bonding Can Fix Crooked and Broken Teeth

Bonding is an uncomplicated treatment within dentistry for repairing slightly damaged or cracked teeth. It is also a painless procedure that provides a positive cosmetic solution as well. Bonding can also used to fill gaps between teeth, align crooked teeth, cover minor cracks and repair tooth decay to a limited extent. As with most medical issues, the sooner the problem is identified the more likely a solution can be found. This means regular visits to your dentist and routine brushing and flossing as often as possible.

How Does Bonding Work?
Put simply, bonding is the specialized application of a white resin to the damaged area of a tooth. Your family dentist will match the resin to the natural color of your own teeth in order to ensure a natural look when you smile. The flexible resin can be applied to existing cavities, or even molded and shaped to bridge gaps or cracked and broken teeth. The material hardens or bonds to the original tooth when your dentist directs a special light to the area they have repaired.

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